Woodbank Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Here at Woodbank we pride ourselves on treating all our children as individuals. We have a number of children in school who have a wide range of special educational needs and/or disabilities and each child and family are offered support tailored to meet their needs. The child and their family are at the heart of all we do and are fully involved in planning to meet the child's needs. Where necessary, advice is taken from specialist external agencies to ensure that we get the best possible outcomes for all children and their families. Lessons and activities are adapted to ensure that all children, whatever their needs are fully included in all of our curriculum and school life.

"Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported "

" Pupils with SEND achieve well in reading, writing, mathematics and other subjects"

Ofsted January 2020

BURY2GETHER is a forum for parents/carers of young people (0-25) with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) who access services in Bury. 

Click here to go to the Bury2gether website

Brandlesholme Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1AX

0161 761 1253
