Woodbank Primary School



Mrs Macadam

Headteacher, Deputy DSL



Miss Gilmore

Deputy Head DSL



Mrs Garforth

SENco, Pastoral Lead, DSL

Mrs Fitton

Safeguarding Governor


Mr Hunter

Health & Safety Officer


Mrs Darrock

Health & Safety Officer




Miss Lilley

Pastoral DSL

Mrs Houghton

Pastoral/Oscars DSL

Mrs Howcroft

Oscars DSL



 "The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Secure procedures are in place to ensure that the environment is safe."

Ofsted April 2016

Designated Teachers for Child Protection

Woodbank School has designated teachers for child protection (Designated Safeguarding Lead - DSL) 

These are:    

Mrs Macadam and Mrs Garforth 

In the absence of the above t
he nominated teachers in charge are:

Deputy Head/KS2 Lead - Miss Gilmore
Key Stage One Lead - Mrs Brittain
Early Years Lead - Mrs Wrigley
Designated School Safeguarding Governor - Mrs Fitton

Please see the Safeguarding Policy below.

Brandlesholme Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1AX

0161 761 1253
