Woodbank Primary School

Frequently Asked Questions 

 We hope you will find the answer to your questions on this page, but if you don't, please feel free to speak to any member of our staff or refer to our School Prospectus on our website.

Q) Who do I contact if I would like my child to enrol in your school?

A) Reception Intake (September) you should contact School Admissions on 0161 253 6474 and for children in Years 1-6 please contact the school directly on 0161 761 1253

Q) What time does school start?

A) The school day begins at 8:50 a.m for YR-Y2 , 8.55 a.m for Y3-6 and 9.00 am for Nursery.

Q) What time does school finish?

A) School closes at 3.25 pm for YR-Y2 and 3.30 pm for Y3-Y6 and 3.30 pm for Nursery

Q) Where can I buy my child's uniform from?

A) You can purchase a sweatshirts with our school logo on from Tesco, Monkhouse Schoolwear and Macron Stores (see parents page of website).

Our Nursery sweatshirts can be bought direct from our Nursery.

Q) How do I know if my child is eligible for free school meals?

A) The government website will be able to tell you if you can claim free school meals at www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals

Q) How do I find out what my child is learning?

A) A half termly newsletter will be sent out to you with information about what learning is taking place. Please also look on your child’s class webpage and our Curriculum webpage.

Q) How do I find out about how my child is progressing in their learning?

A) We hold two Parents’ Evenings over the year where we talk to you about how your child is progression and we hold two 'Book Look' afternoons where you can come and look at your child's books. The Early Years have regular ‘stay & play' sessions. You will also receive an annual report.

We operate an ‘open door’ policy so if you wish to know about how your child is progressing please make an appointment with your child’s class teacher-who will be more than happy to meet with you.

Q) What happens if my child has Special Educational Needs?

A) Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Garforth. Please make an appointment to speak with her or your child’s class teacher if you wish to discuss this matter further. Alternatively, we may ask to have a meeting with yourself if we need to discuss anything in relation to Special Educational Needs. Please have a look at our website for more information.

Woodbank Primary School is an inclusive school and we are proud of the provision we have, enabling us to meet the needs of all the children within our school.

 Q) Who is the Safeguarding Officer?

A) Our Safeguarding Officer is Mrs Garforth. Her office is situated in the Key Stage Two cloakroom area. 

Q) What if my child has an appointment during the school day?

A) If your child has an appointment then you should inform the office staff and your child’s class teacher.

Q) Can I take my child on holiday during term time?

A) No, there has been a change in the law that states this is no longer possible. For more information please see our Attendance Policy.

Q) How much is Dinner Money?

A) Presently the daily cost is £2.30 (subject to change)

Q) What should I do if my child is bullied?

A) Advise your child to speak to an adult in the school. This can be any member of staff that they feel comfortable with. You may also wish to support your child by talking to the teacher with your child.  We would encourage that they report any incident to the class teacher as they can observe behaviour during lessons and advise lunchtime staff as necessary. We take accusations of bullying very seriously and any incidents are dealt with appropriately and with speed. If you are concerned about your child please speak to the head teacher and never approach a child or the parent.

 Q) Can I park at the school?

A) We do not have car parking facilities on site for parents. Parents can, however, park on the cricket club car park at the beginning and end of school times The school is situated on a busy main road close to many residential roads and we ask parents to park legally and with due consideration for our neighbours and the safety of our children.

Q) Can my child cycle to school?

A) Yes, your child can cycle if they are accompanied by an adult and if they wear a helmet. Year 6 children only can ride to school unaccompanied - a permission letter signed by parent/carer is required. A secure cycle shed is provided on site.

Q) Can my child walk to/from school alone?

A) No, children must be accompanied by an adult. If you wish an older child to walk to/from school alone we must receive a permission letter from the parent with parental responsibility (Y5 and Y6 only).

Q) What should I put in my child’s packed lunch?

We are a nut free school

A) We encourage healthy eating and expect parents to choose healthily when creating a packed lunch.

An example of a healthy packed lunch:

A sandwich (no peanut butter or any spread containing nuts)

A packet of crisps, baked ones are preferred e.g. Baked crisps, cheddars.

A wafer biscuit e.g. twix, kitkat, blue ribband.

Yoghurt and a piece of fruit.

Bottle of water or juice.

No sweets, fizzy drinks, nuts or chocolate (unless covering a wafer/biscuit) as we are a nut free school

Q) What do I do if my child has lost a piece of clothing?

A) Parents must either sew a name label into all clothing or write the child’s name in indelible ink. If an item of clothing goes missing your child must inform the class teacher and we will do our utmost to find lost items but we are unable to provide a replacement. Lost property boxes can be found in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. These boxes are cleared out at the end of every term and any unclaimed items go to charity.

Q) What is the best time to talk to the teacher if I have a question?

A) We would advise you to speak to the teacher at the end of the school day after all the children have been dismissed. You can also make appointments in the school office for parents to see the class teacher or another member of staff.

Q) Is there before and after school provision?

A) Yes-Oscars, a high quality provision based within our school site.

We also offer a variety of clubs for different age groups. They run  after school from 3.30 -4.30pm. Clubs change every term and you will always be notified in the first week of the new term so you can apply.

Q) How can parents get involved in school life?

We encourage parents to get involved in many ways from attending trips to individual reading. If you wish to get more involved in school life please make an appointment to see the Headteacher.

We have a Friends of Woodbank fundraising group and would welcome new members with new ideas and contacts.

Q) Can my child bring medicine to school?

A) Medication other than asthma inhalers should not be brought into school. However, if your child has a serious allergy or a life long medical condition you will need to complete a Care Plan with a member of staff.

Q) What happens if my child is ill or has an accident at school?

A) We have qualified first aid staff within the school and they will administer first aid for minor accidents and illnesses that happen during the school day. If your child has had a bump on the head or any injury that may need continuing care, parents will be notified by the school. If your child needs to go to the hospital, the parent/carer will be informed first, unless a delay is likely to endanger the child.

It is therefore essential that we have your home and work telephone number.  In addition we must have another two emergency contact numbers of a family member or close friend.   If your address or telephone number changes you must tell the school.


Brandlesholme Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1AX

0161 761 1253
