Woodbank Primary School

     Religious Education (R.E)                           


       Mrs Linarez                      Mrs Coe

KS1 Subject Lead           KS2 Subject Lead





At Woodbank we believe that R.E. makes a significant contribution to pupils’ academic and personal development. It also plays a key role in promoting social cohesion and understanding the importance of respect and empathy in our society.

Knowledge, skills and understanding are central to all parts of the curriculum, including Religious Education. It is also vital that R.E. encourages pupils to develop positive attitudes to their learning and to the beliefs and values of others.

Through our RE lessons, we teach the children about the values and moral beliefs that underpin individual choices of behaviour. We also promote the values required for citizenship by teaching respect for others and the need for personal responsibility.

By promoting tolerance and understanding of other people, we aim to enable children to appreciate what it means to be positive members of our society.

Through RE in our school, we provide opportunities for spiritual development. We support children in recognising the difference between right and wrong, through moral and ethical questions. We support their social development by helping them to build a sense of identity in a multi-cultural society. Children explore issues of religious faith and values which helps them to develop their knowledge and understanding of their own lives in the modern world.


Links and Downloads                       


R.E. Presentation


Brandlesholme Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1AX

0161 761 1253
